Keyhole Stabilisation of sacroiliac joint
Once a doctor has established that your back pain is due to problems with your back muscles, your posture and your bones, the first steps should always be to look at physiotherapy and back care exercises to see what you can do to help yourself. Medication can also help as can a chiropractor.
However there are some cases where even though you have religiously practiced your exercises and done all the sensible things to help yourself, you are still in pain.
This pain may be present for many reasons, one of which is that the Sacroiliac Joint may be unstable.
Now there is a new treatment available for this in the form of keyhole sacroiliac joint stabilisation. A surgeon who practises this technique is Khitish Mohanty and he works in the University Hospital of Wales Cardiff and the Nuffield Health's Cardiff Bay and the Vale hospitals.
The photo shows a posture that works into the sacro-iliac joint. Self-help for stabilising the joint includes working to strengthen gluteus maximus muscle and the other glut muscles.
I have flagged this technique up so that people searching for pain relief can realise that there are new surgical techniques available to help some of the causes of back pain.
I am not a doctor BUT I do know from what doctors tell me that self help with a lot of back care exercises is the preferred solution to back pain, not because it is cheaper but because there are always risks attached to surgery. This particular keyhole approach appears to carry significantly less risks than open surgery on the sacroiliac joint. It is a new technique and it might be the answer to your problem. I don't know. I am simply saying that I know this technique exists.