Dead Bug
Lie on the floor with the legs bent and the feet flat on the floor hip width apart.
Engage the abdominal muscles. Always tighten your tummy muscles on an out breath. If you are holding your tummy muscles in as tightly as you can when you try to breath in; it is really difficult for the diaphragm to expand so you will not be getting the deep breathing you want.
You may need to imagine you are stopping yourself wee-ing by pulling up your pelvic floor and as you do this you should feel your tummy muscles tighten.
Take the right hand to the left knee
Take the right hand above the head and hold for 2 secs, as shown below. Repeat the movement.
Unless you can hold your breath for the entire movement you are going to need a strategy to make your breathing smooth.
Suggest you tighten your tummy muscles on an out breath and bring your arm until it is vertical.
Stop a moment, breath in, wait; breath out and take the hand down to the floor above your head.
Pause, breath in, on out breath re-engage the tummy muscles and bring the hand back to the vertical position.
Pause again, breath in, wait for the out breath, tighten all the tummy muscles and bring your hand across to the opposite knee.
Pause, breath in, wait for the out breath, tighten all the tummy muscles and bring your hand to the vertical.
Repeat several times
Switch to using the left hand to the right knee and repeat the instructions above.